Saturday, February 23, 2008

Pronouncing Words...

I have a hard time not only pronouncing most words, but understanding most words as well...thus, when a word such as "altruistic" is used to describe me, it can throw me off until i fully comprehend what is being said--I was truly grateful for the compliment--although i don't deserve nor feel that i can be termed as such most of the time...

With that said, however, i do need to explain that i love languages & have been known to spend hours just reading the dictionary & learning various languages in hopes of not only better communication on my part, but better understanding of what people not only want to say, but tend to say b/c of the inability to say what they really mean. Truthfully, there is nothing better than being able to communicate with someone when they feel that no one else can or will--the world tends to shut people out when they are unable to communicate--and taking the time to really listen & then having an actual conversation with someone, blesses the lives of more people than we will ever know...

I've been known to hide behind this insecurity of not understanding by passing it off as being "cute" or "silly" -- when in reality, its just me--wanting to know more, but without a full awareness to most of what is being said or written. I once read an entire chapter about Chihuahuas & pronounced it "chin-y-huh-nu-huh". I had no idea what i was reading, but i kept on reading--thinking that eventually i would understand--a "fake it until you make it" of which i fear i have used many times throughout my life--& is a weakness i hope to one day overcome...


Trina Roberts said...

I went hiking with Katie the day after I wrote this & she told me that she used to pronounce Adidas as "ahh dee dahs" (picture saying: "la, dee, da"--only without the "l" & you can hear why this is so funny). Its just nice to know that I am not alone when it comes to mispronouncing words. Thanks Katie!! :)

Kuya said...

There is nothing wrong with loving CHIN-ee-hee-HAH-nee-hahs, I once lived amongst a pack of them for a summer, learning their ways, and wearing nothing but a pair of Ahh-dee-das shoes.